Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Spirit of India joins the family

An early start on Wednesday saw me at the National Skin Clinic where I got the all clear for the latest excision of a growth. My good fortune continues and after 2 weeks of quiet anxiety, I felt as light as air. We had a later than usual start at work in the afternoon due to a curriculum PD session on Thursday then had dinner at home. 

On Thursday we walked through Bidadari and had a fabulous morning of birds including both the Lineated and Coppersmith Barbets and fabulous close ups of Blue-throated Bee-eaters. 

The PD was held at Bishan and one of the segments included a few experienced staff sitting on a panel led by Eric, a la the ABC's QandA, discussing behavior management strategies in our classrooms. After work in the evening we met up with Peter at a haker centre in Kovan which is quite routine for us, though we haven't been there yet this year either because of our schedules not matching or CNY. We were greeted affectionately and enthusiastically by our Tiger Girl and the stall owner. A few of the regulars also recognised us and then a family from the Kovan MAE branch came over to talk to us. They were really pleased to see us behaving like locals and the dad shouted us a bottle of beer. In fact he wanted to buy us 3, but the Tiger Girl knew our regular limit on a week night, and discouraged him. Gotta laugh. 

On Friday, we had planned to go to the 'Treasures of the World from The British Museum Exhibition at the National Museum, but it rained all day and instead we just enjoyed a quiet day in the coolness. We have it on the floating agenda for next week. On our way to work I got a giggle out of the latest advertising campaign on the trains. In the past few years, the Government has introduced several measures to help boost marriages and births. It ramped up the supply of Build-to-Order HDB flats, and had two housing schemes to help young couples with children, or who are expecting a child, set up home more quickly. Now it would seem the subtle approach to increase the birth rate is over. The image on the left was on the floor as you stepped into the carriage, the others are plastered on the windows at eye height. 

Monday walkers met at Kent Ridge and we enjoyed one of my favourite trails across the Southern Ridges to VivoCity. We were just a small group, it would seem those New Years' Resolutions are going the way they usually do (down the drain) for some. Their loss! It was quite cool still, after the rain earlier which lasted for 2 days. Most unusual. Eric didn't make it, feeling like he had caught a virus so he rested. Hort Park always has something surprising.

After the walk, which finished at VivoCity Shopping Mall, I dropped into Tangs to buy one more member of the Elephant Parade. This one is called Spirit of India. I bought it with money we were given in red packets for CNY by Mr and Mrs Kwok, the MAE librarians. Something to remember them by.

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